10/30 booksRead 30 books by Dec 31, 2023. You were 20 books away from reaching your goals!
My rating may not be strictly fair because I didn't understand half of what was being written. I had to read the cliffs notes guide along side the book to get any understanding.
Also I know it's a different time and everything but massively struggled with Milton's views particularly around women and his ideas that your death matches how “good” you are in life.
Was nice to see the pictures but the actually writing was so repetitive and dull
This book had way too much going on. A covid response in the form of a huge crack in the sky, mental health issues, disordered eating and body image issues, family strife, a nasty sibling, sexual abuse, friends moving away, abortion, dating, unemployment, comments on the state of the housing market, feminism, misogyny, being chronically online... the list goes on. I feel like none of it was fully explored and despite there being so many topics and themes the book draggggggeed. It took my way longer to read than it should have done.
The characters are supposed to be the same age as myself and yet none of them seemed the speak in the way young 20-somethings do. Wtf does “read the internet” mean?? That's like saying “read the library”!!!! Infuriating
This took me way longer to finish than it should have. I buy and read every issue of vogue so was super interested in reading this but I just couldn't get into it. It was definitely interesting and cool to read all about his background and how he got his start in life but it also just felt like a “it's all about who you know” story. I dunno, I'd give it 2.5 stars if I could.
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