have v mixed feelings about this. there was too much unnecessary politics & business bullshit that i skimmed over. i loved matt. i HATED the father & the daughter constantly pushing his shit personality under the rug. the father just sucked too much for me to enjoy the book. the whole step-grandma bullshit also just felt kinda misogynistic? like ofc she's the villain, and not the father who probably stressed out his daughter enough into having a miscarriage.
would've been a fun premise if the marquess wasn't such an asshole. like he consistently remained an asshole. absolutely 0 redeeming qualities. where was the grovel she deserved?
if we're going to make such unnecessarily mean heros, can we at least make them suffer before the end?
beautiful writing style. cute heroine. the hero was a grump and i genuinely couldn't see what the heroine saw in him. his only plus point was his vv adorable family. ngl, i liked his brother & son way more than him. aLSO i have no clue why the author killed off so many of them towards the end
loved the heroine, 10/10. and surprisingly, really cute relationship with the hero's mom. vv adorable. the beginning especially was so solid. everything was believable & cute.
also liked the fact that the hero wasn't like the best at everything, or like the coolest dude in his entire lineage. refreshing.
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