This is the greatest novel I've ever read. Have you ever looked at a painting or listened to a piece of classical music and had strong emotions about it? That's sort of how I feel about the book. Like, you just can't help but look at it and go, “wow that's a great piece of art. Normally I like shitty action movies, but I can tell this is great, even though I don't completely know why”
Took an interesting theory and buried in poor methodology, grandiose unsupported claims, and self satisfied prose. Like seriously, this guy is so condescending, and routinely talks about how much better than everyone else he is and how he is the only one that sees things clearly. And this is not a political disagreement; I hold many of the same view points, and even think the basic theory is interesting, but seriously, this guy is a douche
Why is this sex comedy so cough cough touching? Beautifully illustrated, thoughtful story about the impact of mental health on your and your loved one's lives
This was hard...
I wanted to like it, I liked a lot of it, but it overall didn't seem to work for me. I struggled to get into it, it felt meandering and self satisfied.
Honestly, if section two “The Airborne Toxic Event” was a standalone short story with no other edits, it would be incredible.
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