Better Off: Flipping the Switch on Technology |
Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science |
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds: Financial Edition |
Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other |
God Is Not Great: The Case Against Religion |
Fighting Back the Right: Reclaiming America from the Attack on Reason |
The Real Cost of Fracking: How America's Shale Gas Boom Is Threatening Our Families, Pets, and Food - Michelle Bamberger
- Robert Oswald
iDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession With Technology and Overcoming Its Hold on Us |
Mastering Logical Fallacies: The Definitive Guide to Flawless Rhetoric and Bulletproof Logic |
Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy |