I admit it. I actually liked Wesley on TNG. Probably because I would have killed to be on the real Enterprise (if it were a real space ship) or an actor on the show. And, don't worry Wil, I wasn't looking for a rehash of Star Trek. I knew what the book was about and was interested in how Wil's thoughts on TNG and acting evolved. I enjoyed the story and the way thoughts from the blog were interwoven. It wasn't as much a chronological story as a chronology of thought and emotion. Very enjoyable.
Having done some meditation and a few attempts at mindfulness, I found this book to be a good way to really learn to be present and not dwell on the past or worry about the future. That's not to say that I'm an expert by any means. I feel this book has given me a start on being in the now and not thinking away the best of every moment. It's not going to be easy to complete this journey, but I already can feel benefits of the little bit of pure presence I have managed to accomplish. One thing that really helps is to apply the concepts during my yoga class. Yoga lends itself very well to the ideas from this book.
It was interesting learning the history of Apple and other projects Woz was part of. However, I had trouble with the style of his writing. It read more like he was an enthusiastic teenager boasting to friends. Some of the writing seemed repetitive and almost child-like. This made it difficult for me to take seriously enough to really enjoy. Still, it was worth getting his perspective on Apple and the growth of computer technology.
This book was a lot of fun to read. I haven't read an engaging page-turner like this in a while. It's just the kind of fantasy novel I like and the first person perspective really kept me involved in the story. The author's descriptions of settings, people, and the old photographs made it easy to visualize his world. I'm already diving into the second book.
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