I can say that I did first read this book with the whole big rush with the production of the movie, but I fell in love with this series. Katniss is a very inspired, generally believable character whom I feel I could actually relate to in real life. It is a rather short book; only taking me a little over an hour to read, this was disappointing but not a huge turn off for the book.
Possibly my favourite series I have read thus far. An awe inspiring mature fantasy story. This and the rest of the trilogy are well crafted books which cater strongly to an adult audience, but are still very readable to a bit younger crowd. I really am not sure how to review these titles as it has been a number of years since I have read them. I can say I would highly recommend this series to anyone interested in fantasy books.
I was a little hesitant at first to read this, because if really did not come to me as a solid recommendation, but after taking the time to sit down with it one afternoon I loved it. The research and the details are all amazing. I had difficulty in a couple of instances getting into it. I feel that this is not because of the book, but because I do not read about history casually normally. I am accustomed to the pick-up-put-down of in class reading. Overall an amazing read with astonishing attention to detail and most importantly character.
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