Crone's Book of Magical Words | 0 reads |
The Crone's Book of Wisdom | 1 read |
Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold | 271 reads |
The Spiral of Memory and Belonging: A Celtic Path of Soul and Kinship | 1 read |
| 13 reads |
| 720 reads |
Anathema!: Medieval Scribes and the History of Book Curses | 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Cunning-folk and familiar spirits | 1 read |
The Visions of Isobel Gowdie: Magic, Witchcraft and Dark Shamanism in Seventeenth-Century Scotland | 0 reads |
| 1 read |
A Witch's Natural History | 0 reads |
The Faerie Queens: A Collection of Essays Exploring the Myths, Magic and Mythology of the Faerie Queens | 0 reads |
Memento Mori Memento Mori: A Collection of Magickal and Mythological Perspectives On Death, Dying, Mortality and Beyond - Julian Vayne
- Tylluan Penry
- Tina Georgitsis
- Emily Carding
- Michael Howard
- Mogg Morgan
| 0 reads |
The Egyptian Book of the Dead - Anonymous
- E.A. Wallis Budge (Translator)
| 4 reads |
| 0 reads |
Life Everlasting: The Animal Way of Death | 2 reads |
| 0 reads |
Eternal Egypt: Ancient Rituals for the Modern World | 0 reads |
| 2 reads |
The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt | 0 reads |
The Secret Keys of Conjure: Unlocking the Mysteries of American Folk Magic | 0 reads |
Folk Medicine in Southern Appalachia | 0 reads |
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats | 22 reads |
| 0 reads |
Gods and Goddesses of Ireland: A Guide to Irish Deities | 0 reads |
Where the Hawthorn Grows: An American Druid's Reflections - Morgan Daimler author of Irish Paganism and Gods and Goddesses of Ireland
| 0 reads |
Pagan Portals - Fairy Queens: Meeting The Queens Of The Otherworld - Morgan Daimler author of Irish Paganism and Gods and Goddesses of Ireland
| 0 reads |
| 2 reads |
Pagan Portals - The Awen Alone: Walking the Path of the Solitary Druid | 0 reads |
Traditional Witchcraft for the Woods and Forests | 1 read |
| 2 reads |
| 0 reads |
Pagan Portals - Nature Mystics: The Literary Gateway to Modern Paganism | 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead | 0 reads |
| 2 reads |
| 0 reads |
The Black Pullet: Science of Magical Talisman | 1 read |
| 0 reads |
Where the Forest Murmurs. Nature Essays | 0 reads |
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants | 160 reads |
The Moribund Portal: Spectral Resonance and the Numen of the Gallows | 0 reads |
The Language of the Corpse | 0 reads |
| 11 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 1 read |
| 1 read |
| 2 reads |
Carmina Gadelica: Hymns and Incantations | 2 reads |
The Goodly Spellbook - Dixie Deerman
- Steve Rasmussen
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Mind of the Raven: Investigations and Adventures with Wolf-Birds | 6 reads |
Mountain Magick: Folk Wisdom from the Heart of Appalachia | 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Pale Hecate's Team: An Examination of the Beliefs on Witchcraft and Magic Among Shakespeare's Contemporaries and His Immediate Successors | 0 reads |
| 1 read |
When We Die : The Science, Culture, and Rituals of Death | 0 reads |
The Element Encyclopedia Of Magical Creatures - John Matthews
- Caitlín Matthews
| 3 reads |
| 0 reads |
Salvation on Sand Mountain | 4 reads |
The Fascinating World of the Nightshades: Tobacco, Mandrake, Potato, Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant, Etc. | 0 reads |
The Pagan Book of Living and Dying : Practical Rituals, Prayers, Blessings, and Meditations on Crossing Over - Starhawk
- M. Macha NightMare
| 0 reads |
Traditional Witchcraft: A Cornish Book of Ways | 1 read |
The Devil's Dozen Thirteen Craft Rites of The Old One | 1 read |
Wisht Waters: Aqueous Magica and the Cult of Holy Wells | 0 reads |
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Ecstasies - Carlo Ginzburg
- Raymond Rosenthal (Translator)
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Hoodoo & Conjure Quarterly: A Journal of the Magickal Arts with a Special Focus on New Orleans Voodoo, Hoodoo, Folk Magic and Folklore | 0 reads |
By Moonlight and Spirit Flight: The Praxis of the Otherworldly Journey to the Witches Sabbat | 0 reads |
All That Is Sacred Is Profaned: A Pagan Guide to Marxism | 0 reads |
Craft of the Untamed: An Inspired Vision of Traditional Witchcraft - Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold
| 0 reads |
Folk Witchcraft: A Guide to Lore, Land, and the Familiar Spirit for the Solitary Practitioner | 0 reads |
Pagan Anarchism - Christopher Scott Thompson
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
The Cunning Man's Handbook: The Practice of English Folk Magic 1550-1900 | 0 reads |
Hekate Liminal Rites Hekate Liminal Rites: A Study of the rituals, magic and symbols of the torch-bearing Triple Goddess of the Crossroads - Sorita d'Este
- David Rankine
| 1 read |
Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads: A collection of personal essays, invocations, rituals, recipes and artwork from modern Witches, Priestesses and ... Goddess of Witchcraft, Magick and Sorcery. | 0 reads |
Veneficium: Magic, Witchcraft and the Poison Path | 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Pharmako/Gnosis: Plant Teachers and the Poison Path | 0 reads |
Pharmako/Dynamis: Stimulating Plants, Potions, & Herbcraft | 0 reads |
Plants of the gods - Richard Evans Schultes
- Albert Hofmann
- Christian Rätsch
| 2 reads |
| 0 reads |
| 1 read |
| 1 read |
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
The Egyptian Book of the Dead - Anonymous
- R.O. Faulkner (translator)
| 0 reads |
Circle for Hekate - Volume 1: History & Mythology | 0 reads |
Arbatel Arbatel: Concerning the Magic of the Ancients - Joseph H. Peterson (translator)
| 0 reads |
Drawing Down the Moon - Radcliffe G. Edmonds (III)
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
Roots of a Region: Southern Folk Culture | 0 reads |