#876 | |
#877 | |
#878 | |
#879 | |
#880 | |
#881 | |
#882 | Gate 4: Volume One Episodes |
#883 | |
#884 | |
#885 | |
#886 | This Is Our Rainbow: 16 Stories of Her, Him, Them, and Us |
#887 | The Good Girl's Guide to Rakes |
#888 | |
#889 | |
#890 | |
#891 | |
#892 | |
#895 | |
#896 | |
#897 | Take Me with You When You Go - David Levithan
- Jennifer Niven
#898 | |
#899 | |
#900 | |
#901 | The Seven Visitations of Sydney Burgess |
#902 | |
#904 | |
#905 | |
#907 | |
#911 | |
#912 | In Darkness, Delight - Penn Jillette
- Lisa Morton
- Michael Laimo
- Eric J. Guignard
- Booth, Max, 3rd
#913 | |
#914 | |
#915 | |
#916 | |
#917 | Horror Hotel - Victoria Fulton
- Faith McClaren
#918 | |
#919 | |
#920 | |
#921 | |
#922 | |
#924 | |
#925 | |
#927 | |
#928 | I Wrote This for You: Please Listen |
#930 | |
#931 | Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology to the Most (Fictional) Haunted Buildings in the Weird, Wild World - Kevin J. Kennedy
- Toshiya Kamei (Translator)
#932 | |
#933 | |
#934 | |
#935 | Blackwater - Jeannette Arroyo
- Ren Graham
#936 | |
#937 | The Many Half-Lived Lives of Sam Sylvester |
#938 | |
#939 | |
#940 | |
#941 | |
#944 | |
#945 | |
#946 | |
#947 | |
#948 | Organizing for the Rest of Us: 100 Realistic Strategies to Keep Any House Under Control |
#949 | We Can Never Leave This Place |
#950 | |
#952 | |
#953 | Classic Monsters Unleashed - Joe R. Lansdale
- F. Paul Wilson
- Jonathan Maberry
- Ramsey Campbell
- Lisa Morton
- Owl Goingback
- Richard Christian Matheson
- Seanan McGuire
- Maurice Broaddus
- Dacre Stoker
- Linda D. Addison
- Alessandro Manzetti
- Geneve Flynn
- Tim Waggoner
- John Palisano
- Simon Bestwick
- Lucy A. Snyder
- Monique Snyman
- J.G. Faherty
- Michael Knost
- David Surface
- Kelsea Yu
- Lindy Ryan
- Gaby Triana
- Gary A. Braunbeck
- Sean Eads
- Joshua Viola
- Carlie St. George
- Mercedes M. Yardley
- Rena Mason
- Leverett Butts
#954 | |
#955 | |
#956 | |
#957 | |
#958 | |
#960 | |
#962 | |
#963 | |
#964 | |
#965 | The Ghost That Ate Us: The Tragic True Story of the Burger City Poltergeist |
#966 | |
#967 | The Taking of Jake Livingston |
#971 | Diet Riot: A Fatterpunk Anthology - Roxie Voorhees
- Christi Nogle
- Nikki R. Leigh
- E.E.W. Christman
- Judith Baron
- K.C. Loesener
- Kay Hanifen
- Die Booth
- Stephanie Rabig
- Marsheila Rockwell
#972 | The Gathering Dark - Chloe Gong
- Erica Waters
- Allison Saft
- Courtney Gould
- Olivia Chadha
- Aden Polydoros
- Hannah F. Whitten
- Shakira Moise
- Alex Brown
#973 | |
#974 | |
#976 | The United States of Cryptids |
#977 | |
#979 | |
#982 | |
#986 | |
#989 | Wait Till Helen Comes: A Graphic Novel |
#992 | |
#993 | |
#994 | |
#995 | |
#997 | |
#1000 | |
#1003 | We Are All So Good at Smiling |
#1004 | Every Poem a Potion, Every Song a Spell |
#1007 | |
#1008 | |
#1009 | The Ghosts That Haunt Me: Memories of a Homicide Detective |
#1011 | |
#1012 | A Strange and Stubborn Endurance |