| 0 | - | |
Beyond Democracy - Frank Karsten
- Karel Beckman
| 0 | - | |
Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy | 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
The Technological Singularity | 0 | - | |
| 3.78 | - | |
What Is Art? - Leo Tolstoy
- Aylmer Maude (Translator)
| 3.13 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
| 3 | - | |
| 3 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction - Arvind Narayanan
- Joseph Bonneau
- Edward Felten
- Andrew Miller
- Steven Goldfeder
| 0 | - | |
How to Read a Book - Mortimer J. Adler
- Charles Van Doren
| 3.8 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
| 5 | - | |
Why Austrian Economics Matters - Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.
| 0 | - | |
| 3.52 | - | |
Austrian School Business Cycle Theory - Robert Wenzel
- Murray N. Rothbard
| 0 | - | |
The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order - Paul Vigna
- Michael J. Casey
| 3.67 | - | |
| 4 | - | |
The Pure Theory of Capital | 0 | - | |
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals - Immanuel Kant
- Mary Gregor
- Jens Timmermann (Translator)
| 3.8 | - | |
Paideia - Werner Wilhelm Jaeger
- Gilbert Highet (Translator)
| 0 | - | |
Fallacies of the Public Goods Theory and the Production of Security | 0 | - | |
| 4.04 | - | |
The Prince - Niccolò Machiavelli
- Harvey Mansfield Jr. (Translator)
| 3.77 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
Euclid's Elements - Euclid
- Dana Densmore
- Thomas Little Heath (Translator)
| 4.5 | - | |
Confessions - Augustine of Hippo
- Edward Bouverie Pusey (Translator)
| 3.75 | - | |
The Most Dangerous Superstition | 0 | - | |
Poetics - Aristotle
- Anthony Kenny (Translator)
| 3.68 | - | |
That Which Is Seen and That Which Is Not Seen | 4.75 | - | |
An Introduction to Economic Reasoning | 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
On Christian Doctrine - Augustine of Hippo
- D.W. Robertson Jr. (Translator)
| 0 | - | |
An enquiry concerning the principles of morals | 4 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
DE ANIMA - Aristotle
- Hugh Lawson-Tancred (Translator)
| 4 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful | 3.5 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
The Aesthetics of Architecture | 0 | - | |
Selected Essays - Karl-Otto Apel
- Eduardo Mendieta
| 0 | - | |
The Theory of Communicative Action, Volume 1 - Jürgen Habermas
- Thomas A. McCarthy (Translator)
| 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
The Theory of Communicative Action, Vol 2: Lifeworld & System: A Critique of Functionalist Reason - Jürgen Habermas
- Thomas A. McCarthy (Translator)
| 0 | - | |
Moral consciousness and communicative action | 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
Political Philosophy, Clearly | 0 | - | |
Come Leggere Platone - Thomas Alexander Szlezák
- Nicoletta Scotti (Translator)
| 0 | - | |
Aristóteles em Nova Perspectiva | 0 | - | |
| 5 | - | |
Parmenides of Elea: Fragments - Parmenides
- David Gallop (Translator)
| 2.5 | - | |
Greek Philosophy: Thales to Aristotle | 3 | - | |
Seven Theories of Human Nature | 0 | - | |
The Book of Deeds of Arms and of Chivalry - Christine de Pizan
- Sumner Willard (Translator)
| 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
The Aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas | 0 | - | |
The Critique of Aesthetic Judgement - Immanuel Kant
- James Creed Meredith (Translator)
| 3.5 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers - Diogenes Laërtius
- Pamela Mensch (Translator)
| 0 | - | |
The Economics of Freedom: What Your Professors Won't Tell You | 0 | - | |
| 2.5 | - | |
Stirner's Critics - Max Stirner
- Wolfi Landstreicher (Translator)
| 3 | - | |
The False Principle of Our Education - Max Stirner
- Robert H. Beebe (Translator)
| 2.5 | - | |
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America | 5 | - | |
Selected Works - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Michael Grant (Translator)
| 4 | - | |
Moral Essays - Seneca
- John W. Basore (Translator)
| 0 | - | |
On Ends - Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Harris Rackham (translator)
| 0 | - | |
The Metaphysics of Morals - Immanuel Kant
- Mary J. Gregor (Translator)
| 0 | - | |
| 5 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
| 3.62 | - | |
| 3.52 | - | |
| 3.5 | - | |
The Book of Satoshi: The Collected Writings of Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto | 3.5 | - | |
Principles of Political Economy | 0 | - | |
The Virtue of Selfishness | 3.25 | - | |
Concerning the City of God Against the Pagans - Augustine of Hippo
- Henry Bettenson (Translator)
| 3.63 | - | |
Blockchain Bubble Or Revolution - Neel Mehta
- Aditya Agashe
- Parth Detroja
| 0 | - | |
The Truth Machine - Michael J. Casey
- Paul Vigna
| 5 | - | |
Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies | 4 | - | |
The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking | 4 | - | |
The Internet of Money Volume Two | 0 | - | |
The Internet of Money Volume Three: A collection of talks by Andreas M. Antonopoulos | 3 | - | |
History of Beauty - Umberto Eco
- Girolamo De Michele
- Alastair McEwen (Translator)
| 3.67 | - | |
Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages - Hugh Bredin (Translator)
- Umberto Eco
| 0 | - | |
America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth, Our Liberty, and Our Democracy | 0 | - | |
Basic Economics : A Citizen's Guide to the Economy | 4.33 | - | |
| 3.85 | - | |
The Old Regime and the French Revolution - Alexis de Tocqueville
- Stuart Gilbert (Translator)
- 傅国强 (Translator)
| 0 | - | |
| 3.53 | - | |
| 4 | - | |