again, movie before the book– blah, blah, blah. and again, i was surprised at how different the book is from the movie. there were similar things, but in different orders and as separate adventures. overall, i did like the book, but i found it the hardest to get through of all of them so far. it was a tedious read because there didn't really seem to be a point for their adventure. there wasn't any character development, nor was there really any character interaction to begin with. it all seemed to be about the plot which seemed unfinished from the get go. other than having Caspian and the Pevensies meet again, i couldn't understand why they were trying to find the seven missing lords. at least they were trying to make it to the end of the world, but really, why? Eustace had some character development, but really just told us this rather than showing it through the actions. there was too much tell and not enough show in this book. also, why have Caspian want to go with Reepicheep without some sort of reason. he just seemed to act like a brat which doesn't seem to fit his nobility. also, everyone's goodbyes were so trivial. i just feel like, they've built such a strong bond from Prince Caspian to Dawn Treader, why wouldn't they have made the goodbyes more reflective. as a whole, it was a good book, but it left me wanting more compared to the others.
i adored this book so much. it was gentle, and kind, and comforting, and sweet. the characters were so emotionally intellectual–they constantlt considered the feelings of everyone around them. it allowed children to be who they are and be equal with the adults around them. i love bobbie so much–she reminds me so much of myself. and i loved the voice of the narrator when she spoke. it was as if she was my friend telling me a story. this is my favorite book of the year so far.
so i first read this book in middle school and found myself wanting to reread it recently. it definitely reminded me why i loved it so much then! the world-building and storytelling is amazing! it's such a great book!
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