#2 | | 4 |
#3 | | 3 |
#4 | | 3.89 |
#5 | For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide / When the Rainbow Is Enuf | 4.32 |
#6 | | 3.93 |
#7 | Uncle Vanya - Anton Chekhov
- Curt Columbus (Translator)
| 3.5 |
#8 | | 3.53 |
#9 | Anton Chekhov's Three sisters | 3.27 |
#10 | The Seagull - Anton Chekhov
- Anton Korenev
| 3.79 |
#11 | | 3.86 |
#12 | | 1 |
#13 | No Exit - Jean-Paul Sartre
- Stuart Gilbert (Translator)
- Lionel Abel (Translator)
| 3.94 |
#14 | Hamlet - William Shakespeare
- Millôr Fernandes (Translator)
| 4.03 |
#15 | | 3.9 |
#16 | The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare
- SparkNotes
- John Crowther
| 3.73 |
#17 | | 3.17 |
#18 | | 3.48 |
#19 | The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays | 3.8 |
#20 | | 4 |
#21 | | 4 |