#2 | | 4.5 |
#3 | | 0 |
#4 | | 0 |
#5 | A Queer History of the United States | 3.67 |
#6 | Abduction: How Liberalism Steals Our Childrens Hearts And Minds | 4 |
#7 | Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America | 0 |
#8 | The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left | 2 |
#9 | Outrage, Inc.: How the Liberal Mob Ruined Science, Journalism, and Hollywood | 0 |
#10 | Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump - Dan Bongino
- D.C. McAllister
| 5 |
#11 | Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America | 0 |
#12 |  Dr. Feelgood Dr. Feelgood: The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK, Marilyn, Elvis, and Other Prominent Figures - Richard A. Lertzman
- William J. Birnes
| 0 |
#13 | | 5 |
#14 | The Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Left | 0 |
#15 | Retaking America: Crushing Political Correctness | 0 |
#16 | | 0 |
#17 |  By the People By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission | 0 |
#18 | | 3.83 |
#19 | Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington | 0 |
#20 | | 0 |
#21 | How Obama Embraces Islam's Sharia Agenda | 0 |
#22 | | 0 |
#23 | | 0 |
#24 | The New Thought Police: Inside the Left's Assault on Free Speech and Free Minds - Tammy Bruce
- Laura Schlessinger
| 0 |
#25 | Political Correctness: The Cloning of the American Mind | 0 |
#26 | Tenured Radicals, Revised | 0 |
#27 | Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?: A Scientific and Forensic Investigation | 3 |
#28 | | 3.55 |
#29 | | 0 |
#30 | No Easy Day - Mark Owen
- Kevin Maurer
- Sara Crimi (Translator)
- Laura Tasso (Translator)
| 3.92 |
#31 | | 4 |
#32 | Necessary Trouble: Americans In Revolt | 0 |
#33 | | 3.82 |
#34 | The Myth of Political Correctness: The Conservative Attack on Higher Education | 0 |
#35 | Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich | 4.5 |
#36 | What America Needs: The Case for Trump | 3 |
#37 | Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies | 3.5 |
#38 |  Progressivism Progressivism: A Primer on the Idea Destroying America | 0 |
#39 | Deeply Divided: Racial Politics and Social Movements in Postwar America | 0 |
#40 | | 0 |
#41 | The Revolt of the Primitive: An Inquiry into the Roots of Political Correctness | 0 |
#42 | Freedom for the Thought That We Hate | 0 |
#43 | Political Correctness: A Response from the Cultural Left | 0 |
#44 | The True Story of the Bilderberg Group | 4 |
#45 | 9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America: And Four Who Tried to Save Her | 0 |
#46 | On the Trail of the Assassins | 4 |
#47 | The Federalist Papers - Alexander Hamilton
- James Madison
- John Jay
| 3.6 |
#49 | | 0 |
#50 | Dodgeball: .and 101 other reasons why Political Correctness must be made a crime and liberals made to do the time! | 0 |
#51 | | 3.5 |
#52 | | 5 |
#53 | | 0 |
#54 | A Dangerous World? Threat Perception and U.S. National Security | 0 |
#55 | Utopian Road to Hell: Enslaving America and the World with Central Planning | 0 |
#56 |  Trojan West Trojan West: The Left's strategy to destroy Western Civilization | 0 |
#57 | | 0 |
#58 | | 4 |
#59 |  The Deep State The Deep State: How an Army of Bureaucrats Protected Barack Obama and Is Working to Destroy the Trump Agenda | 4 |
#60 |  Viral Viral: The Search for the Origin of COVID-19 | 4 |
#61 | | 0 |
#62 | Banned in the Media: A Reference Guide to Censorship in the Press, Motion Pictures, Broadcasting, and the Internet | 0 |
#63 | Madame Prosecutor: Confrontations with Humanity's Worst Criminals and the Culture of Impunity - Carla Del Ponte
- Chuck Sudetic
| 0 |
#64 | The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 | 4.47 |
#65 | | 0 |
#66 | Black Death: AIDS in Africa | 0 |
#67 | A Simple Act of Murder: November 22, 1963 | 0 |
#68 | A Path Out of the Desert: A Grand Strategy for America in the Middle East | 0 |
#69 | Madam President: The Secret Presidency of Edith Wilson | 4 |
#70 | | 4.2 |
#71 | Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination - Thom Hartmann
- Lamar Waldron
| 0 |
#72 | | 3.44 |
#73 | The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination | 0 |
#74 | And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic, 20th-Anniversary Edition | 4.26 |
#75 | | 3.91 |
#76 |  JFK JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy | 0 |
#77 | The Secret Service: The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency - Philip H. Melanson
- Peter F. Stevens
| 0 |
#78 | The Politics of Protest: Social Movements in America | 0 |
#79 |  A G-Man's Life A G-Man's Life: The FBI, Being 'Deep Throat,' And the Struggle for Honor in Washington - Mark Felt
- John O'Connor
- John D. O'Connor
- Michael Prichard
| 0 |
#80 | Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA | 4 |
#81 | | 3.67 |
#82 | The End of the World Is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization | 3.7 |
#83 | | 0 |
#84 | Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite | 3 |