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Console-ing Passions: Television and Cultural Power
#13 of 15 in Straight Guys
#12 of 15 in Straight Guys
#14 of 15 in Straight Guys
#1 of 5 in Rachel Savernake
The Sisterhood
#2 of 2 in Tracy Flick
#2 of 4 in Forestville Silver Foxes
#4 of 10 in Orphan X
#1 of 2 in Indian Lake Trilogy
#1 of 3 in Scarlet
#1 of 1 in The Simon Merrivale Mysteries
Renovating the Model
#1 of 4 in Forestville Silver Foxes
Lightning Born
#1 of 5 in Monsters & Mayhem
The Elephant in the Room
The Diary of a Secret Tory MP
#2 of 3 in Tudor Rose
A Guest at the Feast
The Young Pretender
#1 of 3 in Something Fabulous
#1 of 5 in 2666