Solid John Green novel. Super similar to his other works (TFIOS, LFA). Girl meets boy, some type of romance, she's super quirky or unusual, wacky storyline.
I loved reading Aza's inner thought-processes as she struggled with her OCD and anxiety. I related to her at times and I also gained a new perspective on the inner-workings of someone with her disorder.
It could be preachy/cliché at times, but books typically have lessons woven throughout. Plus, that's just Green's style. The conversations between Aza and Davis make mine look like babble between babies. Half the time, I had to rewind to try and absorb information on the stars or how earth was formed.
I like that the characters were complex. Daisy and Aza were a great duo to follow along with. Also, the Star Wars fan-fics were funny. Noah and Davis were cool, too, plus the tuatara deserves a mention.
Would recommend if you're a fan of Green's works, would like to read the POV of someone with OCD and/or anxiety, or you're a sucker for an odd romance story. Encased in the story following Aza was a Where's Waldo mystery, but Waldo is rich man with a troubled past (gasp).
As a final note and unrelated reference, here's all I could think about as I read:
“Turtles. Where are the turtles?” - Michael Scott (The Office US).
Enlightening read about feminism. Also, interesting to hear about Nigerian culture and feminism. Very concise and easy to read. Many quotes stood out and resonated with me, especially about gender expectations.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and grew super attached to the characters. The typical high school teen tropes stand strong, but you can't help but love the characters and their flaws. I can't wait for the film/show adaptation. I would recommend this book if you like the group dynamic of The Breakfast Club; if you like the edgy teen, rom-com romances of Sarah Dessen; or if you like the who-dunnits like Knives Out. Humble brag, but I did guess the murderer before the end. So if any detective agencies are hiring, where shall I send my application?
Such a fun read, especially as a San Diegan! Loved the SD references. Overall, a light, intriguing read that sparked my love of reading again! :-)
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