I wasn't planning to read the second book, after reading the first at the behest of my co-worker. But I made the “mistake” of reading the first chapter of Where She Went included in the back of If I Stay, and I was more interested in it than I wanted to admit. I enjoyed If I Stay, but Where She Went totally drew me in. I don't know whether Adam was just a stronger character for me, or whether I could just relate better to that perspective, but I definitely found the second better than the first.
Thanks a lot, Jill. :P
Definitely a departure from her other works, but the characters are still as interesting and intricate in her writing as she's previously proven. A good way to resume a career post-Potter.
I must admit, I read the publisher description of these books repeatedly, and had no idea what all the fuss was about. I'm a person who will read anything, and there was nothing in the description that made me have any interest whatsoever.
But then, I started seeing the trailers for the movie. And something about them caught my attention. I don't know, even now, what it was. But something made me want to read the books, because I firmly believe that the books are always better than the movies.
And so, I read the entire trilogy in a week. Because I just couldn't stop reading. I won't go so far as to say it's on my list of favourites, but it might be close. Something about Katniss made me want to both smack her, and protect her. And Gale and Peeta... well, there's so much a person could say. The characters must be considered a driving force to the popularity of these books. I find that I can believe the authenticity of any situation, if the characters are written strongly enough. If I can believe wholeheartedly in the people, then the situations never seem out of line.
I don't even know if I feel the need to see the movie. I can go back and read the book any time that I want. And that's better than anything Hollywood can come up with.
Really comprehensive study of the Tudor dynasty, complete with chapters on interesting Background notes.
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