#518 | |
#519 | |
#520 | |
#521 | |
#522 | Quiet : The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking |
#523 | |
#524 | |
#525 | |
#526 | |
#527 | |
#528 | |
#529 | |
#530 | |
#531 | |
#532 | |
#533 | |
#534 | |
#535 | |
#536 | |
#537 | |
#538 | |
#539 | |
#540 | |
#541 | House of Flame and Shadow - Sarah J. Maas
- Valérie Janssen (Translator)
#542 | |
#543 | |
#544 | |
#545 | |
#546 | Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands |
#547 | |
#548 | |
#549 | |
#550 | |
#551 | Interesting Facts About Space |
#552 | Don't Want You Like a Best Friend |
#553 | Mislaid in Parts Half-Known |
#554 | |
#555 | |
#556 | |
#557 | |
#558 | |
#559 | |
#560 | |
#561 | The Unmaking of June Farrow |
#562 | Midnight Is the Darkest Hour |
#563 | |
#564 | |
#565 | |
#566 | |
#567 | |
#568 | |
#569 | |
#570 | |
#571 | Lore Olympus: Volume Five |
#572 | |
#573 | Out There Screaming - N.K. Jemisin
- Erin E. Adams
- Violet Allen
- Lesley Nneka Arimah
- Maurice Broaddus
- Chesya Burke
- P. Djèlí Clark
- Ezra Claytan Daniels
- Tananarive Due
- Nalo Hopkinson
- Justin C. Key
- L. D. Lewis
- Nnedi Okorafor
- Tochi Onyebuchi
- Rebecca Roanhorse
- Nicole D. Sconiers
- Rion Amilcar Scott
- Terence Taylor
- Cadwell Turnbull
#574 | The Travelling Cat Chronicles - Hiro Arikawa
- Philip Gabriel (Translator)
#575 | |
#576 | |
#577 | |
#578 | |
#579 | |
#580 | |
#581 | |
#582 | |
#583 | |
#584 | |
#585 | |
#586 | |
#587 | |
#588 | |
#589 | |
#590 | |
#592 | Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect |
#593 | |
#594 | |
#595 | The Stranger in Her House |
#596 | |
#597 | |
#598 | |
#600 | |
#601 | |
#602 | |
#604 | |
#605 | |
#607 | |
#608 | |
#609 | |
#610 | Where the Dark Stands Still |
#612 | |
#616 | |
#617 | |
#618 | |
#619 | |
#620 | Grimizna kraljica - Victoria Aveyard
- Ana Katana (Translator)
#622 | The Heart's Invisible Furies |
#624 | |
#625 | |
#626 | Daughter of the Pirate King |
#628 | |