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#8 of 8 in Star Trek: Titan
#12 of 17 in Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Second Decade
#1 of 2 in Will Grayson, Will Grayson
#13 of 13 in Star Trek: Typhon Pact
#12 of 13 in Star Trek: Typhon Pact
#1 of 1 in The Windup Universe
#4 of 4 in Die Henkerstochter - The Hangman's Daughter Series
#2 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings
#7 of 9 in Fuzzy Sapiens
#11 of 13 in Star Trek: Typhon Pact
Middle-earth Universe
#1 of 7 in Cormoran Strike
5 Peter Pan
#3 of 3 in Divergent
#11 of 17 in Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Second Decade
#1 of 2 in Catch-22
#9 of 13 in Star Trek: Typhon Pact
#2.5 of 9 in The Expanse
#1.5 of 9 in The Expanse
#4 of 9 in The Expanse
#3 of 9 in The Expanse
#3 of 4 in Die Henkerstochter - The Hangman's Daughter Series
#1 of 3 in METAtropolis
#4 of 5 in Ex-Heroes
The Romulan War
Star Trek
#1 of 5 in Star Trek: Enterprise: Rise of the Federation
Kobayashi Maru
#1 of 4 in Kingsbridge
The Good That Men Do
#2 of 5 in Ex-Heroes
#1 of 5 in Ex-Heroes
#1 of 14 in The Wheel of Time
#2 of 9 in The Expanse
#3 of 5 in Ex-Heroes
#1 of 9 in The Expanse
#1 of 3 in The Kingkiller Chronicle
#1 of 2 in Legion
#1 of 4 in Threshold
49 Star Trek: The Next Generation
#1 of 4 in Caster Chronicles
#1 of 3 in The Maze Runner
#1 of 2 in Ready Player One
#1 of 3 in Divergent
#2 of 3 in Divergent
The Murder of the Century
#1 of 6 in Ender's Saga
181 • 2,573 Readers • 353 pages • 3.8
2 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#10 of 17 in Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Second Decade
#8 of 17 in Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Second Decade
#2 of 4 in Adventures of Tom and Huck
#2 of 4 in Die Henkerstochter - The Hangman's Daughter Series
#1 of 14 in Oz
Les Classiques illustrés
#7 of 8 in Star Trek: Titan
#1 of 3 in Mars Trilogy
#2 of 8 in Star Trek: Titan
Sword of Damocles
#4 of 8 in Star Trek: Titan
Orion's Hounds
#3 of 8 in Star Trek: Titan
#6 of 8 in Star Trek: Titan
17 Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Second Decade
#2 of 3 in Mars Trilogy
#3 of 3 in Mars Trilogy
#1 of 8 in Star Trek: Titan
#1 of 4 in Hyperion Cantos
#2 of 4 in Hyperion Cantos