| 3.83 |
| 3.79 |
| 3.91 |
| 3.7 |
Out of the Clear Blue Sky | 4.33 |
| 3.93 |
| 4.03 |
The Keeper of Lost Things | 3.54 |
Encyclopedia Brown Double Mystery #2: Featured mysteries from Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective | 4 |
Encyclopedia Brown Gets His Man (Encyclopedia Brown Books) | 1 |
Encyclopedia Brown Solves Them All | 4.25 |
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Dead Eagles | 3 |
Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the mysterious handprints | 4 |
| 4 |
The Secret of Bigfoot Valley | 2 |
| 4 |
Mystery of the Spotted Leopard | 3 |
The Khipu and the Final Key | 4 |
| 3 |
| 4.4 |
| 3.46 |