#6 | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | 4.44 |
#38 | | 3.86 |
#51 | Shuna's Journey - Hayao Miyazaki
- Alex Dudok de Wit (Translator)
| 4.45 |
#1 | The Door in the Dragon's Throat | 3.54 |
#1 | | 3 |
#1 | Night of the Vanishing Lights (The Ladd Family Adventure Series #10) | 3 |
#1 | Terror at Forbidden Falls | 3 |
#1 | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | 4.39 |
#1 | The Complete Chronicles of Narnia | 4.13 |
#1 | Stranded on Terror Island | 3 |
#1 | | 4.3 |
#1 | Panic in the Wild Waters - Book 12 | 3 |
#1 | Mystery of the wild surfer | 3 |
#1 | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows | 4.43 |
#1 | | 4.08 |
#1 | | 3.82 |
#1 | | 3.4 |
#1 | Case of the Dangerous Cruise (The Ladd Family Adventure Series #11) | 3 |
#1 | Trapped at the Bottom of the Sea | 3.44 |
#1 | | 3.87 |
#1 | Delilah Dirk And The Turkish Lieutenant | 3.83 |
#1 | | 4 |
#1 | Escape from the Island of Aquarius | 3.4 |
#1 | | 3.92 |
#1 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | 4.3 |
#1 | | 4.19 |
#1 | The Wonderful Wizard of Oz | 3.81 |
#1 | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass: Lavishly Illustrated with Interactive Elements | 3.97 |
#1 | Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone | 4.3 |
#1 | Delilah Dirk and the King's Shilling | 3.67 |
#1 | | 3.71 |
#1 | Hunted in the Alaskan Wilderness | 4 |
#1 | | 3 |
#1 | The secret of the Desert Stone | 2.5 |
#1 | Mystery of the Island Jungle | 4 |
#1 | Delilah Dirk and the Pillars of Hercules (Delilah Dirk, #3) | 3.33 |
#1 | | 5 |
#1 | | 3.59 |
#1 | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | 4.18 |
#1 | Out of Spite, Out of Mind | 3.73 |
#1 | | 3 |
#1 | | 5 |
#1 | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | 4.38 |
#1 | | 4.53 |
#1 | | 4.08 |
#1 | | 4.44 |
#1 | The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | 3.58 |
#1 | The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck | 4 |
#1 | | 4 |
#1 | | 4 |