Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future |
Bharatiya Janata Party: Past, Present and Future: Story of the World’s Largest Political Party |
Worshipping False Gods: Ambedkar and the Facts Which Have Been Erased |
Bhagat Singh: Patra Aur Dastavez |
Raj - Yogi: Gorakhnath Se Adityanath Tak |
सत्यकाम सोक्रातेज़ - Sita Ram Goel (Translator)
- Plato
The Monk who Transformed Uttar Pradesh |
शेखर शेखर: एक जीवनी - 1 - सच्चिदानंद हीरानंद वात्स्यायन 'अज्ञेय'
- Sachchidananda Hirananda Vatsyayana 'Agyeya'