#2 | |
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#6 | |
#7 | African Mythology African Mythology: A Concise Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Sagas, Rituals and Beliefs of African Myths
#8 | Haile Selassie Haile Selassie: The Life and Legacy of the Ethiopian Emperor Revered as the Messiah by Rastafarians
#9 | Mansa Musa and Timbuktu Mansa Musa and Timbuktu: The History of the West African Emperor and Medieval Africa’s Most Fabled City
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#12 | |
#13 | |
#14 | |
#15 | Ancient History Ancient History: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome
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#17 | The Colonization and Establishment of Liberia The Colonization and Establishment of Liberia: The History of the West African Nation Before the Liberian Civil Wars
#18 | Boko Haram Boko Haram: The History of Africa’s Most Notorious Terrorist Group
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#21 | The End of Democracy in Liberia The End of Democracy in Liberia: The History of the Coups that Overthrew Liberia’s Leaders in the 1980s and Led to Civil War
#22 | Roman Egypt Roman Egypt: The History and Legacy of Ancient Egypt as a Province of Rome
#23 | The Hyksos The Hyksos: The History of the Foreign Invaders Who Conquered Ancient Egypt and Established the Fifteenth Dynasty
#24 | The History of Modern Egypt The History of Modern Egypt: From Napoleon to Now
#25 | The Ancient Libyans and Nubians The Ancient Libyans and Nubians: The History and Legacy of Ancient Egypt’s Most Prominent Neighbors in Africa
#26 | The Battle of Kadesh The Battle of Kadesh: The History of the Most Important Battle Between the Egyptians and Hittites
#27 | The Umayyad Caliphate The Umayyad Caliphate: The History and Legacy of the Second Islamic Kingdom Established After Muhammad’s Death
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#29 | History of West Africa History of West Africa: A Captivating Guide to West African History, Starting from Ancient Civilizations through the Medieval Period to the Present
#30 | The Mamluks The Mamluks: The History and Legacy of the Medieval Slave Soldiers Who Established a Dynasty in Egypt
#31 | The Mali Empire The Mali Empire: A Captivating Guide to One of the Largest Empires in West African History and the Legendary Mansa Musa
#32 | Modern Africa Modern Africa: A Captivating Guide to Modern African History
#33 | Napoleonic Wars Napoleonic Wars: A Captivating Guide to the Napoleonic Wars and War of 1812
#34 | The Vandals The Vandals: A Captivating Guide to the Barbarians That Conquered the Roman Empire During the Transitional Period from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages
#35 | History of Ethiopia History of Ethiopia: A Captivating Guide to Ethiopian History