Poor writing and a naïve plot. The book plays on nostalgia and emotions way too much. Moreover the amount of descriptions on games/movies/pop-culture from '80s breaks the flow for me. I don't consider it entirely bad though. I liked the setting (even poorly executed, with horrible black and white characters) and the idea about the hunt was pretty cool. Such a shame it wasn't better written. I can totally understand someone will like it, similarly as just another comic book movie adaptations, etc.
A little bit dated and cliche for my taste, although somehow witty and light read. More as a commute read type of book than a serious novel imho.
Ok, this is a pulp. But kinda fun for a book about semi immortal huge space marines. Unlike the next one in the series, doesnt climb such peaks of naivety and nicely focuses on more believable characters. I was positively surprised by this. Its not a sophisticated literature by any means though and will be mostly fun for people into wh40k.
I won't rate this one as it was rather uneven. First and last stories were really good (Johny Mnemonic and Burning Chrome), but some of the others were quite uninteresting. Really cool tho to see some of the first stories in a genre and realize how innovative in some ways they were.
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