#2014 | |
#2015 | |
#2016 | |
#2017 | The Suffering Game - Clint McElroy
- Griffin McElroy
- Justin McElroy
- Travis McElroy
#2018 | |
#2019 | |
#2020 | |
#2021 | The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo |
#2022 | |
#2023 | |
#2024 | |
#2025 | |
#2029 | The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle |
#2030 | |
#2032 | |
#2033 | The Wildes: A Novel in Five Acts |
#2036 | |
#2037 | |
#2038 | |
#2039 | |
#2040 | |
#2041 | House of Flame and Shadow - Sarah J. Maas
- Valérie Janssen (Translator)
#2042 | |
#2043 | |
#2044 | |
#2045 | |
#2046 | What We Sacrifice for Magic |
#2047 | |
#2048 | |
#2049 | Pride and Prejudice in Space |
#2052 | |
#2053 | |
#2054 | |
#2055 | Dawn of X - Jonathan Hickman
- Ed Brisson
- Benjamin Percy
- Gerry Duggan
- Tini Howard
- Bryan Edward Hill
#2056 | Margo's Got Money Troubles |