Kierkegaard and the Existential Philosophy |
Music and the Ineffable - Vladimir Jankélévitch
- Carolyn Abbate (Translator)
All Things Are Possible and Penultimates Words and Other Essays |
Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Nietzsche: The Good in the Teaching of Tolstoy and Nietzsche: Philosophy and Preaching, & Dostoevsky and Nietzsche: The Philosophy of Tragedy - Lev Shestov
- Spencer Roberts (Translator)
Notes from Underground, the Grand Inquisitor |
Existential Monday: Philosophical Essays |
In Job's Balances: On the Sources of the Eternal Truths |
Jacob's Ladder: On Angels - Sergius Bulgakov
- Thomas Allan Smith (Translator)
The Duty of Delight: The Diaries of Dorothy Day |
Slavery and Freedom - Nikolai A. Berdyaev
- R.M. French (translator)
The Encyclopedia of the Dead - Danilo Kiš
- Michael Henry Heim (Translator)