302 Books
See allIt is a simple book with a simple message: small, smart, actionable choices, behavior, and habits with enough time and consistency to change your entire lifestyle.
All my notes and reflection: https://twitter.com/leandrotk_/status/1252008581110661125
I focused more on advice like ‘little bets', capturing career capital, deliberate practice, having control over your work, and organizing a mission-focused career. I also think we can benefit both from the passion and the craftsman mindset he talks about. My concern was regarding putting these mindsets against each other over using both to have an accomplished career.
The main idea of the book is to present the idea of deliberate practice, a way to purposefully practice your craft to gain mental representation and become an expert in your field. The concept is simple:
- Well-defined specific goals, not just repetition.
- Focused, full of attention practice.
- Get out of your comfort zone.
- Monitor your progress.
- Figure out how to maintain your motivation.
You design the learning process to learn how to do the craft, learn the mental representations that experts use in this field, and design a feedback loop (the regular cycle of try, fail, get feedback, try again, and so on is how the students will build their mental representations.)
The book has plenty of research and examples. It's a bit repetitive, but I like the idea of reinforcing the concept and make me think and rethink my ways of learning throughout the book.
For me, there is doubt that Elon is a special and very different person. I liked that the book painted him not only as a visionary solving real humanity's problems but as a human being that's always learning, improving, failing constantly, and very passionate about interesting problems and the space.