
Doctor Who 09


Doctor Who: Project: Lazarus

#45 of 253 in Big Finish Monthly Range

2001 • 10 Readers • 224 pages • 4


Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale - The Final Chapter

2008 • 11 Readers • 730 pages • 4.8


Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Adventures - Ravagers

#1.1 of 1 in Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor Adventures

2021 • 3 Readers • 4


Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor, Vol. 2: Doctormania

#2 of 2 in Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor (Titan Comics)

2016 • 3 Readers • 4


Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor, Vol 1: Weapons of Past Destruction

2 Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor (Titan Comics)

2015 • 3 Readers • 5


Doctor Who: Rose

102 Target Books Doctor Who (Numerical Order)

2018 • 7 Readers • 197 pages • 3.5


Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor, Vol. 3: Official Secrets

#3 of 2 in Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor (Titan Comics)

2017 • 3 Readers • 128 pages • 3