Press Reset: Ruin and Recovery in the Video Game Industry
- The Blind Owl
Sadegh Hedayat Naveed Noori (Translator) - - Aenid
Virgil John Dryden (Translator) - - Earthlings
Sayaka Murata Ginny Tapley Takemori (Translator) - - - - Really the Blues
Mezz Mezzrow Bernard Wolfe - - Hit and Run
Hit and Run: How Jon Peters and Peter Guber Took Sony for a Ride in Hollywood
- - - Minor Detail
Adania Shibli Elisabeth Jaquette (Translator) - Siddhartha
Hermann Hesse Hilda Rosner (Translator) - - Travels in the Scriptorium
- - Insane Clown President: Dispatches from the 2016 Circus
- - - - The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
- - Hurricane Season
Fernanda Melchor Sophie Hughes (Translator) - - - Debt: The First 5,000 Years
- - Sophie's World
Jostein Gaarder Paulette Møller (Translator) - Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup
- Nazi Literature in the Americas
Chris Andrews (Translator) Roberto Bolaño - - - Trout Fishing in America / The Pill vs. the Springhill Mine Disaster / In Watermelon Sugar
- Rommel Drives on Deep Into Egypt
- - - - 4 - - I'm Thinking of Ending Things
- - Anti-Oedipus
Gilles Deleuze Félix Guattari - - Emma
Jane Austen Therezinha Monteiro Deutsch (Translator) - Been down so long it looks like up to me
- - The Plague
Albert Camus Robin Buss (Translator) - 5 The Anatomy of Melancholy
- Journey to the End of the Night
Louis-Ferdinand Céline Ralph Manheim (Translator) Angela Cismaş (Translator) - - - 4 Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (Post-Contemporary Interventions)
Fredric Jameson Stefano Velotti (Translator) - 1 Chesapeake Requiem: A Year with the Watermen of Vanishing Tangier Island
- 2 - The Brothers Karamazov
Fyodor Dostoevsky Andrew H. MacAndrew (Translator) - - Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators
- 5 - In the Café of Lost Youth
Patrick Modiano Euan Cameron (Translator) - - - - The Memory Police
Yōko Ogawa Stephen Snyder (Translator) Markus Juslin (Translator) - - - - - - - - - Swann's Way
Marcel Proust Lydia Davis (Translator) - The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza
- 1 - Basic Writings
Immanuel Kant F. Max Müller (Translator) Thomas K. Abbott (Translator) - 3 - 2 - Faces in the crowd
Valeria Luiselli Christine MacSweeney (Translator) - - Society of the Spectacle
Guy Debord Fredy Perlman (Translator) - The Post-Office Girl
Stefan Zweig Joel Rotenberg (Translator) 3 - - 2 5 Demons
Fyodor Dostoevsky Richard Pevear (Translator) Larissa Volokhonsky (Translator) - 4 -