Location:South Florida
I'm a fan of Philip K. Dick, but I read his stuff years ago. I eagerly sought this book out because I heard from a couple of people that this one was one of his best. Maybe I merely disagree, maybe my affection for PKD has waned, maybe I need more now than he can give.
Dick is famous for his drug use and for taking speed before cranking out an entire novel in fifteen hours flat. This book, to me, feels like his most drug-influenced book. Not because of his crazy ideas, those are to be expected. It's because you get the feeling that he throws things into the story as they occur to him and made no effort to smooth things over in a subsequent draft. He switches gears on a whim and those whims come at the rate of about fifteen to twenty per scene.
If you're a big fan of PKD, go ahead and check this out. If not, you'll probably want to avoid it.
Great book. Lots of cool ideas and revelations on Gaiman's part and Romita's art evokes and updates Kirby's at the same time.
Oh, the names, the names! (There's a guide in the back of the book) What a great novel. It moved quickly, though there wasn't a lot of action. The story was gripping as our protagonist stumbles his way to learning how to be an emperor. I'd love to know exactly how Addison pulled it off.
Cool future that explores what life might be like in a world in which nearly everything is quantified and tagged, through the eyes of five extraordinary siblings who border on the psychotic whenever they think of each other.
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