I get why it's a classic, I do. It's just that reading it right after The Bridge of Beyond made it pale in comparison. I'd probably have given it 4 stars if I'd read it amid a slew of old dead white men.
Oh well.
The magic system was interesting but underdeveloped. It played with Harry Potter tropes in a somewhat interesting way. But when it comes right down to it, I've read better written novel-length fanfic, and that didn't require me to suffer through rotating 1st person POVs.
I love the subtle character work and small small dramas of post-war English life in Barbara Pym novels. Mildred is such a self-deprecating but lovable narrator, and so well rendered. I loved this slow and in some ways unexciting book. Strongly recommend!
This is a 100 word blog post someone decided to stretch out and publish.
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