The Ministry for the Future | 3.8 | 4.5 | |
Everything I Know about Life I Learned from PowerPoint | 5 | 3 | |
Old Gods, New Enigmas: Marx's Lost Theory | 0 | - | |
The Library: A Fragile History - Andrew Pettegree
- Arthur der Weduwen
| 3.86 | - | |
| 3.7 | - | |
After Geoengineering: Climate Tragedy, Repair, and Restoration | 0 | 4 | |
Neuroarthistory: From Aristotle and Pliny to Baxandall and Zeki | 0 | - | |
Death's End - Cixin Liu
- Ken Liu (Translator)
| 4.35 | 5 | |
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life - Erving Goffman
- Sven Bergström
| 3.83 | - | |
Caught in Play: How Entertainment Works on You | 0 | - | |
Does Writing Have a Future? | 0 | 4 | |
The Three-Body Problem - Cixin Liu
- Ken Liu (Translator)
| 3.94 | 5 | |
European Art: A Neuroarthistory | 0 | - | |
The Dark Forest - Cixin Liu
- Joel Martinsen (Translator)
| 4.25 | 5 | |
| 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
Mythologies - Roland Barthes
- Annette Lavers (Translator)
- Richard Howard (Translator)
| 4.15 | - | |
Tango And The Political Economy Of Passion | 0 | - | |
Being and Time - Martin Heidegger
- John MacQuarrie (Translator)
- Edward Schouten Robinson (Translator)
| 3.6 | - | |
Retro Gaming Hacks: Tips & Tools for Playing the Classics | 4 | - | |
| 4 | - | |
Nietzsche, Volumes One and Two - Martin Heidegger
- David Farrell Krell
| 5 | - | |
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man | 4.67 | - | |
Discipline and punish - Michel Foucault
- Alan Sheridan (Translator)
| 4.08 | - | |
The Visible and the Invisible | 4 | - | |
Phenomenology of Spirit - georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel
| 4 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
Society of the Spectacle - Guy Debord
- Fredy Perlman (Translator)
| 4.06 | - | |
Anti-Oedipus - Gilles Deleuze
- Félix Guattari
| 4.31 | - | |
| 3.5 | - | |
The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses | 3.4 | - | |
Poetry, Language, Thought | 3 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
From Barbie to Mortal Kombat | 0 | - | |
A Theory of Fun for Game Design | 4 | - | |
Philosophy and Simulation: The Emergence of Synthetic Reason | 0 | - | |
An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese | 4 | - | |
A dictionary of basic Japanese grammar = - Seiichi Makino
- Michio Tsutsui
| 5 | - | |
How to do things with videogames | 4 | - | |
Situationist International Anthology | 5 | - | |
| 3.67 | - | |
Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative and History | 0 | - | |
| 4 | - | |
| 4 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
Sound unbound : sampling digital music and culture | 0 | - | |
History and Class Consciousness | 0 | - | |
Distinction - Pierre Bourdieu
- Richard Nice (Translator)
| 0 | - | |
Critique of Judgment - Immanuel Kant
- Werner S. Pluhar (Translator)
| 3.5 | - | |
The Art Of Game Design: A Deck Of Lenses | 0 | - | |
Dungeons, Dragons, and Digital Denizens: The Digital Role-Playing Game | 0 | - | |
A Thousand Plateaus - Gilles Deleuze
- Félix Guattari
| 4.36 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
A Book of Surrealist Games | 5 | - | |
| 4 | - | |
Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third World | 4.67 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy - Carl Schmitt
- Ellen Kennedy (Translator)
| 4 | - | |
Comments on the Society of the Spectacle | 3.67 | - | |
| 3 | - | |
Dialectic of enlightenment - Theodor W. Adorno
- Max Horkheimer
| 4.33 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
Performance Theory (Routledgeclassics) | 0 | - | |
What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy | 0 | - | |
The Medium of the Video Game | 0 | - | |
Critique of Practical Reason | 3.67 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
Philosophical Writings of Peirce | 4 | - | |
| 4 | - | |
| 4 | - | |
The Practice of Everyday Life - Michel de Certeau
- Steven F. Rendall (Translator)
| 3.63 | - | |
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy | 0 | - | |
The Dialogic imagination : four essays - Mikhail Bakhtin
- Caryl Emerson (Translator)
| 4 | - | |
Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience - Yi-Fu Tuan
- Steven Hoelscher
| 3 | - | |
Final Fantasy X-2 Official Strategy Guide - Dan Birlew
- Elizabeth M. Hollinger
- Wes Ehrlichman
| 3.5 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
Unit Operations : An Approach to Videogame Criticism | 4 | - | |
Rise of the Videogame Zinesters | 3 | - | |
Rules of Play - Katie Salen
- Eric Zimmerman
| 4 | - | |
Trigger Happy: Videogames and the Entertainment Revolution | 3 | - | |
Proust And Signs: The Complete Text - Gilles Deleuze
- Richard Howard (Translator)
| 4.5 | - | |
Modern Japanese Aesthetics | 0 | - | |
Kingdom Hearts Official Strategy Guide | 3.5 | - | |
The Production of Space - Henri Lefebvre
- Donald Nicholson-Smith (Translator)
| 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
Of Grammatology - Jacques Derrida
- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Translator)
| 4.75 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
| 4 | - | |
The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays | 4 | - | |
| 4 | - | |
The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age | 0 | - | |
Rhinoceros and Other Plays | 5 | - | |
Introduction to the Reading of Hegel | 0 | - | |
| 3.75 | - | |
The New Media Reader - Noah Wardrip-Fruin
- Nick Montfort
| 0 | - | |
Perspective as Symbolic Form - Erwin Panofsky
- Christopher Wood (Translator)
| 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |
Alien Phenomenology, or What It’s Like to Be a Thing | 5 | - | |
The Meaning of Video Games: Gaming and Textual Strategies | 0 | - | |
| 0 | - | |