

手塚治虫 has written at least 3 books. Their most popular book is 七色いんこ with 1 save with an average rating of -⭐.


3 primary books

Il Bisturi e la Spada

Il Bisturi e la Spada is a 3-book series with 3 primary works first released in 1988 with contributions by Osamu Tezuka and 手塚治虫.


5 primary books

Nanairo Inko - Rainbow Parakeet

Nanairo Inko - Rainbow Parakeet is a 5-book series with 5 primary works first released in 1994 with contributions by Osamu Tezuka, Clélia Delaplace, and 手塚治虫.

Nanairo Inko - L'ara aux sept couleurs, Vol. 1
Nanairo Inko - L'ara aux sept couleurs, Vol. 2
Nanairo Inko - L'ara aux sept couleurs, Vol. 3
Nanairo Inko - L'ara aux sept couleurs, Vol. 4
Nanairo Inko - L'ara aux sept couleurs, Vol. 5


3 primary books

The Tree in the Sunlight

The Tree in the Sunlight is a 3-book series with 3 primary works first released in 1988 with contributions by Osamu Tezuka and 手塚治虫.