Al Berto

Al Berto

Al Berto has written at least 24 books. Their most popular book is O Medo with 2 saves with an average rating of -⭐.

Author Bio

Al Berto, pseudonym of Alberto Raposo Pidwell Tavares, was a poet, painter, editor and cultural worker.

He was born in an high class burgeois family (with english origins from his grandmother). A year later he moved to Alentejo and in Sines he gets through all his childhood and teenagehood until his family sent him to the arts school António Arroio in Lisbon.

14th of April 1967, he went to study paiting in Belgium at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et des Arts Visuels, in Brussels.

After getting his degree, he decided to abandon painting in 1971 and get dedicated exclusively to writting. He comes back to Portugal at 17th November 1974 and at that time, writes his first book entirely in portuguese, Á procura do Vento num Jardim d'Agosto".

O medo, an anthology of his work from 1974 until 1986, is edited for the first time at 1987. It became his most important masterpiece and his definitive artistic testemony.

He left some incomplete texts for an opera, for a photography book about Portugal and "a false biography, as he called it.