Anne Lamott

Anne Lamott

Anne Lamott has written at least 33 books. Their most popular book is Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life with 218 saves with an average rating of 4.22⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Biography, Religion, and Family.

informative, challenging, and funny are their most common moods.

Author Bio

A novelist and writer of non-fiction, Anne Lamott was born in San Francisco in 1954. She wrote for the newspaper at Goucher College for the two years she attended. She wrote her first novel, *Hard Laughter* for her father after he was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Howard Freeman's term "particularism" is aptly applied to her narrative nonfiction. Lamott draws on her own life and experiences in her writing, covering topics such as alcoholism, depression, being a single mother, Christianity, and the intersection between them.