Carol Marinelli

Carol Marinelli

Carol Marinelli has written at least 106 books. Their most popular book is A legacy of secrets with 2 saves with an average rating of 2⭐.

Author Bio

Carol Marinelli was born in England to Scottish parents, then emigrated to Australia, where there are loads of Scottish and English people who did exactly the same, so she's very at home there.

She lives in the outer suburbs of Melbourne pretty much in her car, driving her three children to their various commitments.

Carol first tried to write for Harlequin Mills & Boon while doing her nursing training in London. It was merrily rejected and she was devastated. Rejection became a regular friend over the next few years and she amassed quite a collection. Still, as the years moved on the rejections became more detailed and instead of weeping over them and scorning them, she finally read them. Properly.

In 2000 her first romance was accepted for the Medical Romance line and she lived happily ever after. Well, that's what she thought would happen but actually, no, it was then that the hard work really began!

Once published she discovered the Romance Writers of Australia it would, she now knows, have been far easier on this journey to have discovered them earlier. Attending her first conference she realized that she wasn't the only person who lived with a constant cinema happening in her head in fact they were all THE SAME! Different but the same and many wonderful friendships were made.

Carol now writes for both the Medical Romance and Presents lines and loves them both.

One of her goals is to attend the Romance Writers of America conference with a few Romance Writers of Australia, which is a very nice goal to have.


1 primary book

Anetakis Tycoons

Anetakis Tycoons is a 1-book series first released in 2013 with contributions by Maya Banks and Carol Marinelli.