Dead Awake - Christy Aldridge
- C W Blackwell
- Jill Girardi
| 3 | 1 read | |
 Under Her Black Wings Under Her Black Wings: 2020 Women of Horror Anthology - Kandisha Press
- Christy Aldridge
- Sisters Slaughter
- Marie Lanza
- Carmen Baca
- Somer Canon
- Malena Maciá
- Charlotte Munro
- Andrea Dawn
- Yolanda Sfetsos
- Dawn DeBraal
- Paula Readman
- Michelle Garza
- Sharon Frame Gay
- Lydia Prime
- Copper Rose
- Alys Hobbs
- Brandon Scott
- Tina Isaacs
- Stevie Kopas
- Jill Girardi
| 0 | 0 reads | |
Under Her Black Wings : 2020 Women of Horror Anthology - Jill Girardi
- Christy Aldridge
- Carmen Baca
- Somer Canon
- Dawn DeBraal
- Michelle Garza
- Sharon Frame Gay
- Alys Hobbs
- Tina Isaacs
- Stevie Kopas
- Marie Lanza
- Melissa Lason
- Malena Salazar Macía
- Charlotte Munro
- Lydia Prime
- Paula R.C. Readman
- Copper Rose
- Yolanda Sfetsos
- Brandon Scott
| 0 | 0 reads | |
| 0 | 0 reads | |
| 0 | 0 reads | |
| 0 | 0 reads | |
House of Haunts - Heather Daughrity
- Christy Aldridge
- Brooklyn Ann
- Simon Bleaken
- Jay Bpwer
- Clay McLeod Chapman
- Joe DeRouen
- William J. Donahue
- J-F. Dubeau
- Joshua Loyd Fox
- Jennifer Anne Gordon
- Gage Greenwood
- Justin Holley
- Jo Kaplan
- Ronald Kelly
- Marie Lanza
- Caitlin Marceau
- D.E. McCluskey
- Jeremy Megargee
- Joe Scipione
- Samantha Underhill
- Mer Whinery
- Mercedes M. Yardley
| 0 | 0 reads | |
These Lingering Shadows: An Anthology of Gothic and Haunting Tales - Daemon Manx
- Jae Mazer
- Jeremey Megargee
- Jo Kaplan
- Heather Miller
- Diana Olney
- Jack Wells
- Guy Quintero
- D.E. Grant
- Matt Scott
- Michael J. Moore
- James G. Carlson
- Christy Aldridge
- Danielle Manx
- Tony Evans
| 0 | 0 reads | |
 Graveyard Smash Graveyard Smash: Women of Horror Anthology, Vol. 2 - Jill Girardi
- Michelle Renee Lane
- Yolanda Sfetsos
- Catherine McCarthy
- Christy Aldridge
- Ellie Douglas
- Sonora Taylor
- V. Castro
- Carmen Baca
- Janine Pipe
- Dona Fox
- Demi-Louise Blackburn
| 0 | 0 reads | |