3.36 50 reads 3.8 34 reads 3.61 40 reads 3.57 29 reads 3.4 15 reads 3.2 6 reads 4 9 reads O Amante de Lady Chatterley
D.H. Lawrence Sergio Flaksman (Translator) 3.25 5 reads 0 0 reads 3 1 read 50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol: 2
Lewis Carroll Mark Twain Jules Verne Oscar Wilde Arthur Conan Doyle Louisa May Alcott Jane Austen G.K. Chesterton Wilkie Collins Charles Dickens Fyodor Dostoyevsky Alexandre Dumas F. Scott Fitzgerald E.M. Forster Thomas Hardy Hermann Hesse James Joyce Jack London Lucy Maud Montgomery Edgar Allan Poe Marcel Proust William Shakespeare Robert Louis Stevenson H. G. Wells Virginia Woolf Rudyard Kipling D.H. Lawrence Thomas Mann W. Somerset Maugham Herman Melville George Sand Mary Shelley Walter Scott Leo Tolstoy Bram Stoker H. P. Lovecraft 0 0 reads El amante de Lady Chatterley
D.H. Lawrence Andrés Bosch (Translator) 3 2 reads L'Amant de Lady Chatterley
D.H. Lawrence Pierre Nordon (Translator) 3.33 3 reads 3 3 reads 3.5 3 reads Hijos y amantes
D.H. Lawrence Miguel Martínez-Lage (Translator) 0 0 reads 3.5 1 read 5 1 read The Prussian Officer and Other Stories
0 1 read 4 2 reads Fantasia of the Unconscious
0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol
50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol: 1
Dante Alighieri Jane Austen Honoré de Balzac Charlotte Brontë Anne Brontë Emily Brontë Samuel Butler Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Joseph Conrad Daniel Defoe Fyodor Dostoevsky Arthur Conan Doyle Alexandre Dumas George Eliot Gustave Flaubert Charlotte Perkins Gilman Nikolai Gogol Jacob Grimm Homer Victor Hugo Washington Irving Henry James James Joyce D.H. Lawrence Gaston Leroux Jack London Arthur Machen Herman Melville Marcel Proust Mary Shelley Stendhal Robert Louis Stevenson Bram Stoker Sun Tzu Jonathan Swift William Makepeace Thackeray Leo Tolstoy Mark Twain Oscar Wilde Marcus Aurelius Francis Bacon Benjamin Franklin Plato William Shakespeare Charles Darwin Charles Eliot John Woolman William Penn Thomas Browne Adam Smith Aesop Lord Byron Alessandro Manzoni Pierre Corneille Ben Jonson Nathaniel Hawthorne Edgar Allan Poe Presbourg Press H. P. Lovecraft 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 1 read 0 0 reads The Last Poems of D. H. Lawrence
3 1 read L'amante di Lady Chatterley
0 1 read Vampire Stories
Robert Bloch Anne Rice Ivan Turgenev Bram Stoker Edith Nesbit D.H. Lawrence John Wyndham Margery Lawrence M.R. James E.F. Benson L.A. Lewis Josef Nesvadba Manly Wade Wellman David Rowlands Ron Weighell A.F. Kidd Ken Cowley Jessica Palmer 4 2 reads Poems for a World Gone to Sh*t
Philip Larkin William Shakespeare Li Ch'ing-Chao Thomas Hood Hollie McNish Paul Laurence Dunbar Wendy Cope Samuel Taylor Coleridge Lemn Sissay Matthew Prior T.S. Eliot Percy Bysshe Shelley D.H. Lawrence W.B. Yeats Rudyard Kipling Anne Brontë Gil Scott-Heron Francine Elena George Arnold Lord Byron Christina Rossetti Emily Dickinson Katherine Mansfield Lola Ridge Margaret Atwood Kahlil Gibran Hart Crane Henry David Thoreau George Eliot Ivor Gurney Nikita Gill William Blake Ella Wheeler Wilcox Maya Angelou Edith Nesbit Robert Browning Clere Parsons Portia Nelson Julia Carney Susan Coolidge Edward Thomas Federico García Lorca Walt Whitman Matthew Arnold Kim Addonizio Robert Louis Stevenson Edward Lear Tracy K. Smith John Dryden Kate Tempest 0 1 read 0 1 read 0 0 reads The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories
0 0 reads 0 0 reads The Seashell Anthology of Great Poetry
0 1 read 40 Short Stories: A Portable Anthology
0 1 read Little Novels of Sicily
Giovanni Verga D.H. Lawrence (Translator) 0 0 reads 0 0 reads D. H. Lawrence: Selected Poems
0 1 read Vampire Tales
Vampire Tales: The Big Collection
Edgar Allan Poe H. G. Wells Leonid Andreyev Nikolai Gogol M.R. James E.F. Benson Ambrose Bierce Algernon Blackwood Walter de la Mare F. Marion Crawford Arthur Conan Doyle Robert E. Howard D.H. Lawrence Vernon Lee Guy de Maupassant Vincent O’Sullivan Clark Ashton Smith Edith Wharton Victor Roman Pu Songling Ludwig Tieck John William Polidori Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy Sabine Baring-Gould William Gilbert Jan Neruda Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford Eliza Lynn Linton Edith Nesbit Bram Stoker H. P. Lovecraft Phil Robinson Karl Heinrich Ulrichs Julian Hawthorne Mary Cholmondeley Anne Crawford Marsh Richard Count Stenbock Mary Elizabeth Braddon Fred M. White H.B. Marriott-Watson Hume Nisbet F.G. Loring Augustus John Cuthbert Hare Mary E. Wilkins Freeman Frank Norris Louise J. Strong Luigi Capuana Théophile Gautier E.G. Swain Claude Askew Hanns Heinz Ewers Horacio Quiroga Ulric Daubeny Uel Key Dion Fortune Everil Worrell Hesketh V. Pritchard Cynthia Asquith Robert Louis Stevenson 0 0 reads A Century of Creepy Stories
A Century of Creepy Stories
Hugh Walpole Arthur Machen Barry Pain Cynthia Asquith J.M. Barrie D.H. Lawrence M.R. James L.P. Hartley W.B. Maxwell C.H.B. Kitchin Hilda Hughes Charles Dickens Flavia Richardson May Sinclair Marie Belloc Lowndes Daniel Defoe Dennis Mackail Clemence Dane Edgar Wallace Edgar Allan Poe Charles Whibley Enid Bagnold Desmond MacCarthy Christine Campbell Thomson H. G. Wells Washington Irving Mary Webb Ann Bridge W.S. Morrison William Gerhardi Philip MacDonald Ambrose Bierce Michael Joseph A.J. Alan Oscar Cook Honoré de Balzac Algernon Blackwood Elizabeth Bowen Walter de la Mare Oliver Onions E.F. Benson Shane Leslie 0 0 reads Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious and Fantasia of the Unconscious
0 0 reads The Shadow in the Rose Garden
0 0 reads 100 Eternal Masterpieces of Literature - volume 2
100 Eternal Masterpieces of Literature - volume 2
Stendhal Rabindranath Tagore Jack London Mary Shelley George Sand W. Somerset Maugham Upton Sinclair Robert Louis Stevenson Mark Twain Oscar Wilde H. G. Wells Rudyard Kipling D.H. Lawrence Thomas Mann Marcel Proust Herman Melville Edgar Allan Poe Leo Tolstoy Jules Verne Rebecca West James Joyce Bram Stoker Jonathan Swift Walter Scott H. P. Lovecraft 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 3 1 read 0 0 reads 0 0 reads Etruscan Places: Travels Through Forgotten Italy
4 1 read L'Homme qui aimait les îles
D.H. Lawrence Catherine Delavallade (Translator) 3 1 read 0 0 reads 0 0 reads I magnifici 7 capolavori della letteratura inglese
Charles Dickens Robert Louis Stevenson Joseph Conrad Jerome K. Jerome Arthur Conan Doyle Rudyard Kipling D.H. Lawrence 0 0 reads 'The Vicar's Garden' and Other Stories
4 1 read Вампирские архивы: Книга 1. Дети ночи
Charles Beaumont Ambrose Bierce Algernon Blackwood Mary Elizabeth Braddon Fredric Brown Joseph Payne Brennan Lord Byron Luigi Capuana Frederick Cowles Mary Cholmondeley Anne Crawford von Rabe Arthur Conan Doyle Harlan Ellison J. Sheridan Le Fanu William Gilbert Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Ed Gorman Franz Hartmann Julian Hawthorne R. Chetwynd-Hayes Carl Jacobi M.R. James John Keats Stephen King D.H. Lawrence Tanith Lee Eliza Lynn Linton F.G. Loring Richard Matheson Hume Nisbet Edgar Allan Poe Anne Rice David J. Schow D. Scott-Moncrieff Clark Ashton Smith Count Stenbock Roger Zelazny H. P. Lovecraft Чарльз Бомонт Амброз Бирс Элджернон Блэквуд М.Э. Брэддон Фредерик Браун Джозеф Пейн Бреннан Лорд Байрон Луиджи Капуана Фредерик Коулс Мэри Чолмондели Энн Кроуфорд Харлан Эллисон Джозеф Шеридан Ле Фаню Уильям Гилберт Иоганн Вольфганг фон Гёте Эд Горман Франц Хартманн Джулиан Готорн Р. Четвинд-Хейс Карл Якоби М.Р. Джеймс Джон Китс Д.Г. Лоуренс Танит Ли Элиза Линн Линтон Ф.Дж. Лоринг Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт Ричард Матесон Хьюм Нисбет Эдгар Аллан По Энн Райс Дэвид Шоу Д. Скотт-Монкрифф Кларк Эштон Смит Эрик Стенбок Роджер Желязны 0 0 reads Fii şi îndrăgostiţi
D.H. Lawrence Antoaneta Relian (Translator) 0 0 reads The First Lady Chatterley
0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads St. Mawr / The Man Who Died
0 0 reads 3 1 read Mornings in Mexico and Etruscan Places
0 0 reads 3 1 read Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories
0 0 reads 0 0 reads 3 1 read 0 0 reads 0 1 read 4 1 read The Collected Short Stories
0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads Some Imagist Poets: An Anthology
D.H. Lawrence Richard Aldington H.D. 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads The Second Lady Chatterley's Lover
4 1 read 3 1 read Studies in Classic American Literature
Studies in Classic American Literature: D. H. Lawrence's Famous Work of Literary Criticism (D.H. Lawrence's Literary Exploration) Uncovering the Classic American Literature through Critical Analysis
3 1 read 0 0 reads The Bad Side of Books: Selected Essays of D.H. Lawrence
0 0 reads 0 0 reads 4 1 read Magical Realist Fiction
Magical Realist Fiction: An Anthology
Franz Kafka Isaac Babel Yury Olesha Osip Mandelstam Virginia Woolf Bruno Schulz Vladimir Nabokov María Luisa Bombal Henri Michaux William Faulkner Eudora Welty Aníbal Monteiro Machado Jorge Luis Borges Octavio Paz John Cheever Vjekoslav Kaleb Tommaso Landolfi Alfonso Reyes Julio Cortázar Alejo Carpentier Nikolai Gogol Clarice Lispector Carlos Fuentes Elizabeth Bishop Italo Calvino Gabriel García Márquez Robert Escarpit Donald Barthelme Milan Kundera Leo Tolstoy Thomas Mann Hugo von Hofmannsthal Henry James Rainer Maria Rilke D.H. Lawrence 0 0 reads 3 1 read Short Stories: Volume 2 of 3
D.H. Lawrence Gilbert Koull 3 1 read 0 0 reads 0 0 reads Great Novels of D.H. Lawrence: The Rainbow & Lady Chatterley's Lover
4 1 read 查泰莱夫人的情人
D.H. Lawrence D.H. 劳伦斯 黑马 (Translator) 4 0 reads