Damon Knight

Damon Knight

Damon Knight has written at least 47 books. Their most popular book is The science fiction hall of fame with 14 saves with an average rating of 4⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Fiction, Science fiction, and Aliens.

Author Bio

Damon Knight was born in Baker City, Oregon. He graduated from the WPA Art Center in Salem, Oregon, then moved to New York City. His first story, "Resilience", was published in 1941. In 1943 he went into publishing, first with Popular Publications, then editing Beyond in 1950-51 and If in 1959-60. He became a science fiction critic in 1945, but gave that up in 1954. In 1956 he co-founded the Milford Science Fiction Writers' Conference. Also in 1956, he received the Hugo Award for science fiction criticism. In 1965, he founded and became the first president of the Science Fiction Writers of America. He published his last book, Will the Real Hieronymus Bosch Please Stand Up? on the internet in 2000. He lived in Eugene, Oregon, United States, with his wife Kate Wilhelm, also a science fiction writer.