The Men with the Pink Triangle: The True Life-and-Death Story of Homosexuals in the Nazi Death Camps - Heinz Heger
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 5 | 3 reads | |
Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche: Or the Realm of Shadows - Henri Lefebvre
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 5 | 2 reads | |
Revolutionary Yiddishland: A History of Jewish Radicalism - Alain Brossat
- Sylvie Klingberg
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
Towards a Gay Communism: Elements of a Homosexual Critique - Mario Mieli
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
 Capital Volume III Capital Volume III: The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole - Karl Marx
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
 Capital Volume II Capital Volume II: The Process of Circulation of Capital - Karl Marx
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
A People's History of the French Revolution - Eric Hazan
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
 Exploring Marx's Capital Exploring Marx's Capital: Philosophical, Economic and Political Dimensions - Jacques Bidet
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
 Orgasm and the West Orgasm and the West: A History of Pleasure from the 16th Century to the Present - Robert Muchembled
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
Impersonal Power: History and Theory of the Bourgeois State - Heide Gerstenberger
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
Classes in Contemporary Capitalism - Nicos Poulantzas
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
The Meaning of Sarkozy - Alain Badiou
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 5 | 1 read | |
 Political Writings Political Writings: The Revolutions of 1848/Surveys from Exile/The First International & After, Vols 1-3 | 0 | 0 reads | |
| 0 | 0 reads | |
How I Stopped Being a Jew | 5 | 1 read | |
The Shock of the Anthropocene: The Earth, History and Us - Christophe Bonneuil
- Jean-Baptiste Fressoz
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 1 read | |
For the Muslims: Islamophobia in France - Edwy Plenel
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
Buying Time: The Delayed Crisis of Democratic Capitalism - Wolfgang Streeck
- Patrick Camiller (Translator)
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
 A Walk Through Paris A Walk Through Paris: A Radical Exploration - Eric Hazan
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
On Historicizing Epistemology: An Essay - Hans-Jörg Rheinberger
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
Introduction to Antiphilosophy - Boris Groys
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
Metaphilosophy - Henri Lefebvre
- David Fernbach (Translator)
| 0 | 0 reads | |
Lenin Reloaded Toward a Politics of Truth, Sic Vii - Sebastian Budgen
- Stathis Kouvelakis
- David Fernbach
- Slavoj Zizek - Alain Badiou - Josefina Ayerza - Jacques-Alain Miller
- Slavoj Žižek
- Kevin Anderson
- Daniel Bensaid
| 0 | 0 reads | |