David Stuart Roberts

David Stuart Roberts

David Stuart Roberts has written at least 18 books. Their most popular book is Alone on the Wall with 24 saves with an average rating of 3.36⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Adventure, Biography, and Climbing.

Author Bio

David Stuart Roberts (b. 1943) is a climber, mountaineer, and author of books and articles about climbing, adventure, and survival. He is particularly noted for his books *The Mountain of My Fear* and *Deborah: A Wilderness Narrative*, chronicling major ascents in Alaska in the 1960s, which had a major impact on the form of mountaineering literature. Other works include *Escape from Lucania; Escape routes; Four against the arctic; Great exploration hoaxes; Iceland, land of the sagas; In search of the Old Ones; Jean Stafford; Moments of doubt; A newer world; No shortcuts to the top; On the ridge between life and death; Once they moved like the wind; Points unknown; The Pueblo Revolt; Sandstone Spine*; and, *True summit*

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