Duncan Falconer

Duncan Falconer

Duncan Falconer has written at least 10 books. Their most popular book is The Hostage with 4 saves with an average rating of 5⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres War and Marines.

Author Bio

At barely 19 he was the youngest recruit in modern times to pass the brutal selection to get into the British Special Boat Service. He spent 3 years with the top secret 14th Military Intelligence SAS Detachment. His exploits are documented in his 1st book, the bestselling 'First Into Action'. After almost 12 years in the service he went on to spend the next few decades taking journalists and news crews into the most hostile locations on earth such as Afghanistan and Iraq throughout the recent wars and all over Africa. Falconer went on to become an accomplished Crisis Manager, advising and managing evacuations and kidnappings in conflict zones around the world.