Eloghosa Osunde

Eloghosa Osunde

Eloghosa Osunde has written at least 2 books. Their most popular book is Vagabonds! with 30 saves with an average rating of 3.83⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Young Adult, Fiction, and LGBTQ.

Adventurous, emotional, and dark are their most common moods.

Author Bio

Eloghosa Osunde is a Nigerian writer and artist. An alumna of the Farafina Creative Writing Workshop, the Caine Prize Workshop, and the New York Film Academy, she has been published in The Paris Review, Gulf Coast, Guernica, Catapult, and other venues. Winner of the 2021 Plimpton Prize for Fiction and the recipient of a Miles Morland Scholarship, she is a 2019 Lambda Literary Fellow and a 2020 MacDowell Colony Fellow.