Erik Larson

Erik Larson

Erik Larson has written at least 32 books. Their most popular book is The Devil in the White City with 430 saves with an average rating of 4.02⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres History, Nonfiction, and War.

informative, Adventurous, and emotional are their most common moods.

Author Bio

Erik Larson is the author of the international bestseller Isaac's Storm won an Edgar Award for fact-crime writing. His latest book, In the Garden of Beasts: Love Terror and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin, has been acquired for publication in 20 countries and optioned by Tom Hanks for a feature film.

Erik is a former features writer for The Wall Street Journal and Time. His magazine stories have appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, Harper's and other publications. Source: