The Compleat Enchanter
L. Sprague de Camp Fletcher Pratt 4 4 reads The Flying Sorcerers: More Comic Tales of Fantasy
Thomas M. Disch Piers Anthony Terry Pratchett Kurt Vonnegut Angela Carter Arthur C. Clarke C. S. Lewis P.G. Wodehouse L. Sprague de Camp Fletcher Pratt Eric Knight Mervyn Peake John Collier Fredric Brown Nelson S. Bond Robert Bloch Stephen Leacock John Wyndham Cordwainer Smith Robert Sheckley William F. Nolan Harry Harrison Roald Dahl Michael Moorcock Stanisław Lem 3.4 5 reads 3 1 read 4 1 read 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads Tales from Gavagan's Bar
L. Sprague de Camp Fletcher Pratt 3 1 read The Mathematics of Magic: The Enchanter Stories
L. Sprague de Camp Fletcher Pratt 0 0 reads 4 1 read 0 0 reads The Complete Compleat Enchanter
L. Sprague de Camp Fletcher Pratt 2 1 read Omnibus of Science Fiction
Omnibus of Science Fiction
Alan E. Nourse Ralph Williams Raymond F. Jones Ray Bradbury Fredric Brown Lester del Rey Arthur C. Clarke David H. Keller Lewis Padgett Fletcher Pratt Damon Knight Mark Clifton L. Sprague de Camp Paul Ernst Murray Leinster Ross Rocklynne H.B. Fyfe Jack London Eric Frank Russell Theodore Sturgeon Ann Griffith Isaac Asimov James Blish Donald A. Wollheim A.E. van Vogt William Tenn Katherine Anne MacLean Jack Vance Anthony Boucher Richard Matheson André Maurois Wyman Guin Robert Abernathy Chester S. Geier A.J. Deutsch Russ Winterbotham W. Hilton-Young John Leimert Ralph Robin B.F. Ruby Will H. Gray H. P. Lovecraft John D. MacDonald 5 1 read 0 0 reads 5 1 read The Grand Game
The Grand Game: A Celebration of Sherlockian Scholarship Volume One: 1902–1959
Helen Simpson Ronald Knox Frank Sidgwick J.B. Mackenzie Arthur Bartlett Maurice H.W. Bell Pope R. Hill Sr. Paul Gore-Booth Ernest Bloomfield Zeisler Leon S. Holstein William S. Baring-Gould John Ball Jr. Nathan Bengis Percy Metcalfe Christopher Morley Franklin D. Roosevelt Dorothy L. Sayers O.F. Grazebrook Gavin Brend S.C. Roberts James Keddie Sr. Crighton Sellars Vernon Pennell J.W. Sovine Ebbe Curtis Hoff Gray Chandler Briggs Vincent Starrett G.B. Newton James Edward Holroyd Bernard Davies R.K. Leavitt Earle F. Walbridge Esther Longfellow Winifred M. Christie Fletcher Pratt Madeleine B. Stern Anthony Boucher Robert Pattrick Felix Morley Bliss Austin W.S. Bristowe Jay Finley Christ Donald A. Yates A. Carson Simpson Norman Crump James Montgomery T.S. Blakeney Edgar W. Smith D. Martin Dakin Remsen Ten Eyck Schenck Otis R. Rice Rex Stout Julian Wolff A.A. Milne Zasu Pitts S. Tupper Bigelow Red Smith 0 0 reads 0 1 read The Castle of Iron
L. Sprague de Camp Fletcher Pratt 0 0 reads A Short History of the Civil War: Ordeal by Fire
4 1 read Tales of the Dead
Tales of the Dead
E.F. Benson Robert Bloch Fredric Brown Hugh Clifford Mary Elizabeth Counselman Aubrey Davidson L. Sprague de Camp Arthur Conan Doyle C.M. Eddy Jr. Théophile Gautier Charles L. Grant Edward D. Hoch Carl Jacobi Stephen King Joe R. Lansdale Barry N. Malzberg Ardath Mayhar Edgar Allan Poe Talmage Powell Fletcher Pratt John Russell William B. Seabrook Henry Slesar Robert Louis Stevenson Bryce Walton Morris L. West Henry S. Whitehead Tennessee Williams Donald A. Wollheim Cornell Woolrich Chelsea Quinn Yarbro 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads A Short History of the Civil War
0 0 reads