Grace Lin

Grace Lin

Grace Lin has written at least 39 books. Their most popular book is Where the Mountain Meets the Moon with 41 saves with an average rating of 4.2⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Young Adult, Fantasy, and Adventure.

emotional, hopeful, and Adventurous are their most common moods.

Author Bio

Grace Lin grew up in Upstate New York with her parents and two sisters.

As well as occasionally reviewing for the NYTimes, Grace has became an advocate for diversity. She is a commentator for New England Public Radio and created the video essay, “What to do when you realize classic books from your childhood are racist?" for PBSNewHour. Grace also delivered the popular TEDx talk, "The Windows and Mirrors of Your Child's Bookshelf."

Grace lives in Florence, MA with her husband and daughter. Please visit her website: for more info!