Greg Herren

Greg Herren

Greg Herren has written at least 20 books. Their most popular book is How to Write a Mystery: A Handbook from Mystery Writers of America with 5 saves with an average rating of -⭐.


7 primary books

Chanse MacLeod

Chanse MacLeod is a 7-book series with 7 primary works first released in 2002 with contributions by Greg Herren.

Murder in the Rue Dauphine
Murder in the Rue St. Ann
Murder In The Rue Chartres
Murder in the Rue Ursulines: A Chanse MacLeod Mystery
Murder in the Garden District


1 primary book

Frat Sex

Frat Sex is a 1-book series first released in 2004 .

Fratsex: Stories of Sex in College Fraternities


2 primary books

Scotty Bradley

Scotty Bradley is a 2-book series with 2 primary works first released in 2003 with contributions by Greg Herren.