Jandy Nelson

Jandy Nelson

Jandy Nelson has written at least 19 books. Their most popular book is I'll Give You the Sun with 188 saves with an average rating of 4.25⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Young Adult, LGBTQ, and Fiction.

emotional, reflective, and hopeful are their most common moods. Their next book, When the World Tips Over, is scheduled for release on 9/24/2024.

Author Bio

Jandy Nelson (born 1965) is an American author of young adult fiction. Prior to her career as an author, Nelson worked for 13 years as a literary agent at Manus & Associates Literary Agency. She holds a BA from Cornell University as well as several MFAs. She has one in poetry from Brown University and another in children's writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Nelson lives in San Francisco, California.
