Tradition Book: Cult of Ecstasy |
Dead Magic - Dana Habecker
- James Stewart
- Jess Heinig
Masters of the Art - Deird're Brooks
- Jess Heinig
- Adam McCandliss
Clanbook: Tzimisce - Lucien Soulban
- James Stewart
- Jess Heinig
Havens of the Damned - Lucien Soulban
- Jess Heinig
- Shannon Hennessey
Laws of the Hunt - Johh Wick
- Alison Young
- Jess Heinig
Laws of Ascension Companion - Mike Boaz
- Jess Heinig
- Scott Taylor
Law's of the Hunt Players Guide - Coranth Gryphon
- Jess Heinig
- Cynthia Summers
Laws Of The Night (Revised Rules for Playing Vampires: Vampire- The Masquerade - Jason Carl
- Jess Heinig
- Peter Woodworth