Judith Merkle Riley

Judith Merkle Riley

Judith Merkle Riley has written at least 1 book. Their most popular book is In pursuit of the green lion with 1 save with an average rating of -⭐.

Author Bio

Judith Astria Merkle was born on January 14, 1942 and on Livermore, California, U.S.A., where she grew up. Her great-grandfather was a Swiss emigrant, who moved to the United States in 1860. Her uncle-abue was the famous player of baseball Fred Merkle. Her father, Theodore Charles Merkle was contralador of the Project Pluto and her brother Ralph C. Merkle is technological professor in a Computer science School.

Judith Astria Merkle holds a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley and teaches in the Department of Government at Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, California. Married with Mr. Riley, she wrote as Judith Merkle Riley six historical and romance novels.