Kala Ambrose

Kala Ambrose

Kala Ambrose has written at least 4 books. Their most popular book is Spirits of New Orleans with 2 saves with an average rating of -⭐.

Author Bio

Kala Ambrose is a noted author, metaphysical teacher, intuitive, speaker, and talk show host. Her thought-provoking interviews on Explore Your Spirit with Kala (www.ExploreYourSpirit.com) are enticing listeners to tune in around the globe! Described by her guests and listeners as discerning, empowering and inspiring, the show focuses on the Metaphysical, Spiritual and Paranormal realms.

When not on the air with the show, Kala shares the ancient wisdom teachings at the mystery school, The Temple of Stella Maris (www.TempleofStellaMaris.org). Kala's new book, 9 Life Altering Lessons: Secrets of the Mystery Schools Unveiled (9lessons.com) describes the experience of being a student in the esoteric teachings including the alchemical transformations of the heart, body and mind, the magical universe in which we reside, the long forgotten destiny of our souls, our various bodies of energy and wisdom from the mystery temples of ancient Egypt, Greece and other powerful and sacred temples from around the world.

Kala lectures on Esoteric Teachings, Ancient Myths, Developing Intuition and Psychic Ability, Business Intuition, Enhancing your life through Traditional Feng Shui, the Meaning of Abundance and Prosperity in the Universe, Auras and Chakras, Crystals and Gemstones, Sacred Symbols, Dream Interpretations, and Wise Woman Wisdom (also known as the Divine Feminine). In her spare time, Kala conducts paranormal research with her group, The Rowan Society at http://www.RowanSociety.org and is working on her next book. More information can be found at: www.KalaAmbrose.com