The Art of Invisibility: The World's Most Famous Hacker Teaches You How to Be Safe in the Age of Big Brother and Big Data |
The Art of Deception - Kevin D. Mitnick
- William L. Simon
The Art of Intrusion: The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders and Deceivers - Kevin D. Mitnick
- William L. Simon
Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker - Kevin D. Mitnick
- William L. Simon
L'arte dell'inganno: I consigli dell'hacker più famoso del mondo |
Unauthorised Access: Physical Penetration Testing for IT Security Teams |
Duch w sieci. Autobiografia największego hakera wszechczasów - Kevin D. Mitnick
- William L. Simon
- Steve Wozniak
 The Art of Deception The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security - Kevin D. Mitnick
- William L. Simon
Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker |
Hardware Hacking: Have Fun while Voiding your Warranty - Joe Grand
- Kevin D. Mitnick
- Ryan Russell
A Arte de Enganar - Ataques de Hackers: Controlando o Fator Humano na Segurança da Informação - Kevin D. Mitnick
- William L. Simon
The Art of Intrusion - Kevin D. Mitnick
- William L. Simon
Die Kunst der Anonymität im Internet |
Hardware Hacking - Joe Grand
- Kevin D. Mitnick
- Ryan Russell
Un fantasma en el sistema. Las aventuras del hacker más buscado del mundo. - Kevin D. Mitnick
- William L. Simon
El Arte de la Intrusión - Kevin D. Mitnick
- William L. Simon